My Favourite Things About Prosperity Of Life
Updated: Nov 22, 2022
Meet Prosperity Of Life associate, Melissa Caira from the USA.
This video showcases Melissa's two year search to finding the opportunity that she was excited to devote her time too.
"There's alot of junk out there. I wasn't interested in your typical MLM where you had to promote to your friends and family. That wasn't what I was looking for. Personal Development was in alignment with my values and passions".
What I love about Prosperity Of Life
"I wanted the lifestyle of working on the fly, flexibility to work from anywhere and be around for my teens with time leftover to pursue other passions. What I have found here has ticked all the boxes!"
A truly portable opportunity
No stocking of products
A life changing product line that I wholeheartedly believe in
A community of likeminded & supportive people
An environment for unlimited growth and development
"It was time to contribute to our future in a big way, work my creative mind, and still have a flexible enough schedule to catch the kids playing sports after school, stay home for a few days if someone got the dreaded flu, but much better than that, plan a great vacation and not need to ask anyone for time off! I also knew what I didn't want; no selling to friends and family, no stocking product, and no cold-calling. So yeah, I sure was being picky!"